450-300 BC |
Leucippus, Democritos, Epicurus |
. . . Greek Atomists |
335 BC |
Aristotle |
continuous elements
(earth, air, fire, water) |
300 BC |
Zeno of Cition (founder of Stoics) |
popularizes Aristotelian view. |
60 BC |
Titus Lucretius Carus of Rome |
epitomizes "Atomist"
philosophy. |
| . |
| . |
| . |
1879 |
Josef Stefan |
[expt] |
power emitted as blackbody radiation
varies as T4 |
1884 |
Ludwig Boltzmann |
[theor] |
explains Stefan's empirical law |
1885 |
Johann Jakob Balmer |
[expt] |
empirical description of
line spectra
emitted by H atoms |
1890 |
Johannes Robert Rydberg |
[expt] |
line spectra cont'd |
1893 |
Wilhelm Wien |
[expt] |
blackbody spectrum displacement law:
peak wavelength varies as 1/T |
1895 |
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen |
[expt] |
discovers X-rays |
1897 |
Joseph John Thomson |
[expt] |
measures boldmath q/m
of the electron |
1900 |
Max Planck |
[theor] |
derives correct blackbody radiation spectrum |
1902 |
Philipp E.A. von Lenard |
[expt] |
photoelectric effect |
1905 |
Albert Einstein |
[theor] |
photoelectric effect |
1905 |
Albert Einstein |
[theor] |
Special Theory of Relativity
(STR) |
1905 |
Albert Einstein |
[theor] |
explains Brownian motion
(gives mass of atoms!) |
1905 |
Ernest Rutherford |
[expt] |
performs first
experiments at McGill Univ. (Canada) |
1907 |
Robert A. Milliken |
[expt] |
measures electron charge
(now know both qe
and me). |
1912 |
William (H. & L.) Bragg |
[expt] |
shows that X-rays
scatter off crystal lattices |
1913 |
Hans Geiger & Ernest Marsden |
[expt] |
Rutherford scattering
results at Univ. of Manchester (U.K.) |
1913 |
Niels Henrik David Bohr |
[theor] |
pictures H atom
with quantized angular momentum |
1916 |
Albert Einstein |
[theor] |
General Theory of Relativity (GTR) |
1916 |
Robert Andrews Milliken |
[expt] |
photoelectric effect
in detail |
1922 |
Arthur Holly Compton |
[expt] |
scatters X-rays
off electrons |
1924 |
Louis Victor de Broglie |
[theor] |
"matter waves"
1925 |
Wolfgang Pauli |
[theor] |
formulates his
exclusion principle |
1925 |
Max Born
& Werner Heisenberg |
[theor] |
quantum mechanics |
1926 |
Erwin Schroedinger |
[theor] |
develops a nonrelativistic
wave equation
for quantum mechanics |
1927 |
Werner Heisenberg |
[theor] |
formulates his
uncertainty principle |
1928 |
Paul A.M. Dirac |
[theor] |
develops a
relativistic wave equation
for electrons and predicts
antimatter |
| . |
| . |
| . |