The ``workhorse'' of experimental is the scintillation counter.
This simple device works as follows: the ionization of certain types of
molecules causes photochemical reactions that liberate
visible light called ``scintillation'' light.
This light is conveyed through a clear liquid, plastic or crystalline
matrix, bouncing off polished exterior surfaces total internal
reflection until it reaches the photocathode of a vacuum tube
where the photons liberate electrons the photoelectric effect.
These electrons are then accelerated by high voltages in the tube until
they strike a ``first dynode'' where each electron knocks loose about
ten additional electrons which are accelerated in turn
to the ``second dynode'' where they in turn each knock loose
another ten electrons each, and so on down a cascade of up to
18 dynodes. As a result, that one electron originally liberated
by the incoming photon can produce a pulse of
at the ``anode'' or the tube, which is (mnemonically, for once)
called a photomultiplier tube. These amazing devices have been
refined over a period of nearly half a century until some have
``quantum efficiencies'' approaching 100% (they can fairly reliably detect
single photons) and (most importantly) generate electrical
pulses a few ns (nanoseconds, billionths of a second) wide whose
arrival at a bank of fast electronics is correlated with the time
the original ionizing particle hit the detector within a fraction
of a ns.
This means that high energy physicists can routinely do timing
with a resolution comparable to the length of time it takes light
to go 10 cm! Without this impressive timing capability
it would be very difficult to do any modern
Interestingly enough, this part of the technology has not improved
significantly in several decades.