If we form the scalar (``dot'') product
of with a vector function
we get a scalar result called the divergence of
This name is actually quite mnemonic: the divergence of a vector field is a local measure of its ``outgoingness'' --- i.e. the extent to which there is more exiting an infinitesimal region of space than entering it. If the field is represented as ``flux lines'' of some indestructible ``stuff'' being emitted by ``sources'' and absorbed by ``sinks,'' then a nonzero divergence at some point means there must be a source or sink at that position. That is to say,
``What leaves a region is no longer in it.''
For example, consider the divergence of the current density
, which describes the flux of
a conserved quantity such as electric charge Q.
(Mass, as in the current of a river, would do just as well.)
Figure: Flux into and out of a volume element .
To make this as easy as possible, let's picture a cubical
volume element .
In general,
will (like any vector)
have three components
each of which may be a function of position
If we take the lower left front corner of the cube
to have coordinates
then the upper
right back corner
has coordinates
Let's concentrate first on
and how it
depends on z.
It may not depend on z at all, of course.
In this case, the amount of Q coming into the cube
through the bottom surface (per unit time) will be
the same as the amount of Q going out through
the top surface and there will be no net gain or loss
of Q in the volume --- at least not due to .
If is bigger at the top, however,
there will
be a net loss of Q within the volume dV
due to the ``divergence'' of
Let's see how much: the difference between
at the bottom and
at the top
is, by definition,
The flux is over the same area at top and bottom,
, so the total rate of
of Q due to the z-dependence of
is given by
A perfectly analogous argument holds for the x-dependence
if and the y-dependence of
, giving a total
rate of change of Q
The total amount of Q in our volume element dV
at a given instant is just , of
so the rate of change of the enclosed Q is just
which means that we can write
or, just cancelling out the common factor dV on both sides of the equation,
which is the compact and elegant ``differential form'' of the Equation of Continuity.
This equation tells us that the ``Q sourciness''
of each point space is given by the degree to which
flux ``lines'' of tend to radiate
from that point more than they converge toward
that point --- namely, the divergence of
at the point in question. This esoteric-looking mathematical
expression is, remember, just a formal way of expressing
our original dumb tautology!